Sunday, September 16, 2007

Nanny Notes 2:

My second soot went very well, I arrived at the house and realized this Nanny was really looking forward to the shoot. I found her at school where she works mornings in the wee Tartans baby care center for faculty children. I found out the first week of school that she has been a Nanny to this family for about 11-12 years, caring for three girls. So I did not have to go through the parents to do this shoot. Nanny 2 arranged it all and was very much in control. We started int he yard, as it was a good spot once again the lighting was good, nice landscaping, the girls were really cute and VERY cooperative. By the end we went inside and sat in the family room, which lead to some nice comfortable candids, low light digital. I switched up the film this time and took some B/W with the Kiev and color in the box brownie.
Observations so far:
The Nanny's are VERY proud of the kids
the kids are very loving and trusting to their Nanny's
Nanny's are honored I asked to do this
Don't think they ever sat for a shoot like this
they seem to want a formal portrait

I am feeling very humble and honored to be allowed to peek into the intimate lives of these families.

1 comment:

Neva Austrew said...

Mary these are great! I love the one of the little girl and her cat...they have the same eyes!

Just curious if you have any plans to shoot the kids and Nannies in a less formal portrait style? I really do love these shots though. :)